Capital Formation Capabilities
Change and growth require not only a visionary strategic plan, top-flight intuitive management, and a product or service that disrupts new markets, but most importantly, a capital structure that will facilitate and support such growth and change...
We at Amerivest realize that your organization’s vision, within the constraints of the present world’s credit markets and ever-changing economic factors affecting both the public and private sector today, may be a difficult if not impossible challenge to overcome. Consequently, our Turnkey Solutions structured by “masters of industry” and those that are seasoned in the public sector, embrace a private equity capital capability that is only employed for Amerivest’s own clients, and potential future partners. Our private equity sources can be complemented by further access to a boutique-style “pre-designed” public finance solution for your organization. Your job will be to prove that your organization can successfully deploy fresh capital to benefit all parties and prove profitability, and our job is to deliver it.
Our relationships with private capital markets throughout the world, coupled with our affiliation with the Amerivest LP located in Nevada, Atlanta, and Florida, have uniquely positioned the Amerivest Companies to provide financial solutions to organizations that are “stuck” in a changing financial world where conventional debt and traditional relationships have all but disappeared.
Lionheart, founded in both Michigan, and Atlanta, Georgia, as well as other affiliates, including Amerivest LP, are available to invest in new and existing real estate development projects, particularly commercial real estate, leisure/recreation projects, hi-tech industrial applications, and certain hospitality markets, enabling these projects and acquisitions to implement their business plans with a solid financial footing. Today, healthcare applications, energy technologies and acquisitions, and emerging software-based technology markets are all prime candidates for private equity capital. Furthermore, commodity and natural resource-based companies, implemented technologies, and organizations responsible for the generation, transmission, and management of global energy resources are well positioned to benefit from the shifting nature of private capital.
The Amerivest Companies leverage many significant private sector relationships, banking relationships, and private equity sources "beyond the bounds" of Wall Street. These sources are seeking long-term candidates for the deployment of private equity capital that have the vision and financial tenacity to compete in an ever changing world. Our sources are seeking those entities that are determined to achieve their organizational objectives, while providing due consideration for ethical and socially responsible goals.
Select private equity capital affiliates have included Doron Capital LLC; AMRO Capital LLC; Debt Star Capital; LC Ventures; Solamere Capital; Century Capital SA; Plainsfield AG; McDonald Investments; National Capital; Nauta Capital; Enterprise Capital Partners; Mevi Capital; Amerivest LP; and many others.
The Amerivest Group can provide a broad spectrum of services to both corporate and private equity with regard to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures. We can customize a specific suite of services to facilitate your organization's objectives. Further, our buyer and seller advisory services reduce the risks inherent in any acquisition or divestiture by providing expert analyses, planning, coordination and due diligence.
Our corporate, financial, and governmental relationships with many industry leaders both in the uS and abroad, as well as private equity investors and the public finance market allow us to target the most ideal buyers and exits for your company or organization. Amerivest can also identify the best acquisition targets for expansion of your company. In assisting with your acquisition strategy, we draw upon all of our capabilities, including our public and private finance expertise to provide a complete solution assuring the successful integration of your organization and its' optimum target acquisitions.
We assist with the following:
Strategy development;coordination of acquisition & divestiture activities; communication with prospective targets or buyers; determine valuation and transactional structure; due diligence coordination; advisory support regarding employees, customers, and other parties; identify organizational changes and new management roles; internal and external communications plan; negotiation and closing of transactions.
Amerivest has fully integrated our private equity finance capability through our strategic affiliations, and has developed a fresh approach to help secure public financing. This unique access to external "customized" public financing capability complements our turn-key services package.
Whether your are an incubator company, or a mature organization looking to change and grow, our approach to the implementation of reverse mergers and a boutique-style “pre-designed” public presence has been masterfully developed by our independent external public finance associate who is concerned about one thing: providing you the necessary capital to drive your business forward, while keeping you in control of your own destiny…
Historically, Wall Street brokerage firms, investment banking houses, and traditional “market-makers” have controlled the destiny of those seeking to go public. We at Amerivest, believe that you should control your own destiny while saving you from the expensive and unnecessary cost of a traditional underwriter-driven public offering. Some brokerage houses are more concerned about their competition than they are about raising capital. Our external independent public finance associates focus on capital formation for your organization through the broadest possible universe of investors. This “customized” public launch for your business can jump-start your capital formation in a way you never believed possible.
Individual members of our associated independent external “public” team have successfully taken numerous companies public. Most importantly, their unique perspective of the public finance market is complemented by our hands-on team’s management experience in actually operating public companies. ur team has been where you need to go, and who better to assist you than battle-tested management support.
Once again, to be clear, we are NOT licensed brokers, nor do we have any registration for any form of securities acquisition, or sale.